小妹最近買了 [106美國直購] 適配器 TechMatte Apple Pencil Lightning Cable Charging Adapter for iPad Pro Female 75 Inches ,覺得很不錯

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TechMatte Apple Pencil Lightning Cable Charging Adapter for iPad Pro Female to Female Connector (.75 Inches)

A Lightning Cable Charging Adapter designed to charge the Apple Pencil with a Lightning cable

Provides an alternative connection with a female to female connector for the Apple Pencil and Lightning cable

Connection allows Apple Pencil to be charged with any Lightning cable you already have

Contains one TechMatte Charging Adapter for Apple Pencil

*Not for use as a Lightning Cable Extender*

Product Description

The TechMatte Lightning Cable Charging Adapter for the Apple Pencil connects to the charging end of the Apple Pencil; the other end of the Adapter connects to a Lightning cable, charging the Apple Pencil. The Lightning Cable Charging Adapter is designed to allow the user to set their Apple Pencil beside their iPad Pro using cables they already own during charging, rather than putting it directly into the iPad Pro port. This Adapter makes charging much easier. Rather than charging the Pencil with the iPad Pro, which can lead to easy damages to both the iPad and the Pencil, plugging your Pencil into a lightning cable is much more natural.

Compatible with: Apple Pencil and iPad Pro

Note: *Not for use as a Lightning Cable Extender*

Dimensions: .75 inches

Color: White

What's in the Box?

One TechMatte Charging Adapter (white)


30-Day Money Back Guarantee

12-Month Replacement Warranty

Product Information

Product Dimensions 4.4 x 3 x 0.1 inches

Item Weight 0.3 ounces

Shipping Weight 0.3 ounces

Manufacturer TechMatte





[106美國直購] 適配器 TechMatte Apple Pencil Lightning Cable Charging Adapter for iPad Pro Female 75 Inches 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時




第四屆世界棒球經典賽八強賽,美國隊首戰出戰委內瑞拉,8局下皇家隊重砲Eric Hosmer(侯斯莫)一棒敲出逆轉2分砲,終場美國隊就以4:2贏球,拿下八強賽首勝。

前5局委內瑞拉先發投手Felix Hernandez好投,他投滿5局被打3安打,3次三振,共用60球,且無失分。

委國3局上由利用Ender Inciarte擊出高飛犧牲打,送回壘上的Carlos Gonzalez,讓委內瑞網友開箱介紹拉先馳得點,7局上Rougned Odor(歐多)再敲出右外野陽春砲擴大比分。

但美國隊7局下由Jonathan Lucroy敲出右外野高飛犧牲打扳回一城,次局更是厲害,先由金鶯隊重砲手Adam Jones(亞當瓊斯)敲出左外野陽春砲追平比分,Eric Hosmer再轟出超前2分彈,最後就以4:2逆轉委內瑞拉。

美國隊牛棚投手Andrew Miller、Pat Neshek、Luke Gregerson順利封鎖委內瑞拉,也是比賽關鍵,Neshek1局無失分,拿下勝投。







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